Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Just in time for Christmas

photo via Fox

The big news at the Fox News website this morning is the launch of two new fragrances by Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

Of course this breaking news led to conversation at the institute regarding why we even know who Paris Hilton is? Is it because she is a young blond heiress from New York? No, that can't be it, there must be hundreds of those. Is it because she starred in a contrived unrealistic reality show that we never watched? No. Is it because her more intimate moments have been shared with the world via the internet? Yeah, that's it. Paris Marriott is a semi-pro for charity only porn star, that is why we have heard the name Paris Sheraton.

So if you have a certain special someone that you would like to smell like a semi-pro for charity only porn star, now you know what to get them for Christmas. And there is still 24 shopping days left.

If you have no desire to smell like a semi-pro for charity only porn star, you might want to avoid the sample spray lady at finer department stores and perfumeria's near you.