Monday, December 20, 2004

Dumb Ass Quote of the Week

Senator Joe Biden

This weeks winner has us wondering where Neil Kinnock is, and is he too busy to help out his biggest fan.

Presumably because of his expertise in these matters, Senator Joe Biden D. Delaware, was on Meet the Press with Tim Russert Sunday discussing the situation in Iraq, when he uttered the following phrase that makes him our big winner this week. Congratulations Senator.

We just sent a Black Hawk helicopter crew over. I get calls from the wives. They wanted fabric for seats because the seats were torn. Imagine that. And this Pentagon and this president acts like, "Oh, no. They've got all they need."

Yes, imagine that!!

Secretary Rumsfeld must be held accountable for this torn upholstery crisis.

Weekly award is given out whenever we durn well feel like it.