Hezbollah: Violence mixed with social mission.
Hezbollah is regarded by the U.S. and Israel as a terrorist organization. It is dedicated to eliminating Israel and has formally advocated the ultimate establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon, according to the U.S. State Department.
It garners popular support among the Lebanese by setting up schools, hospitals and other social services like the popular jihad match-making service Jihad-Harmony.com.
Jihad-Harmony's matches are unlike any other jihad match-making service you have ever heard of. The main reason why is their personality profile. After years of studying jihadis they have found 29 key dimensions of hatred for Israel that predict deep compatibility and happier, more lasting relationships. The personality profile covers these important areas of hatred for Israel, helping jihadis learn more about themselves and their ideal partner and allowing Jihad-Harmony.com to match them with highly compatible jihadi singles.

What Jihad-Harmony's users are saying.
"Meeting each other has changed our lives forever. I was so busy launching missiles and providing social services that we probably wouldn't have crossed paths if it hadn't been for Jihad-Harmony. We both had been waiting so long to meet that 'truly compatible' person. My first wife, peace be upon her, lacked a compatible level of hatred for Israel, which as it turned out caused some serious health problems, peace be upon her. When my soul mate was delivered, our waiting was finally over. Jihad-Harmony saved us the headache of meeting people randomly, only to find we had very few dimensions of hatred of Israel in common. We discovered that we both approach jihad in a very similar manner, and our similarities and differences really do bring out the very best in our marriage. It's amazing how well our hatreds of Israel compliment one another. Without Jihad-Harmony our meeting would not have been possible. Thank you for bringing us together."
--Omar Abdul Hassan Nasrallaman

"He had us at death to Israel."
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