Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ebb & Flow Open House

Hello and welcome to the all new The Ebb & Flow Institute. The remodeling is complete, the contractors have been sent on their way and we can get down to the hard work of thinking about the large issues of our times.

But first, have a look around the luxurious new headquarters, and help yourself to a hot towel. Nothing but the best for the patrons of the Institute.

A very special thanks to Mrs. On, without whom the creation of the new Ebb & Flow logo would not have been possible, not to mention she had to put up with a couple episodes of severe frustercation on Saturday.

Thanks, and happy Mothers Day.

Consider this another open thread to discuss whatever large issues are on your mind.

I'll get you started.

I wonder if the neighbors would mind if I borrowed their cat? You know for cat blogging. With the new headquarters, I want to stay ahead of the curve.


Is anybody having any technical trouble with the site? I have one report that the sidebar is not loading using IE. I have checked using IE and am not having any trouble.

Talk to me peoples.