One Sentence Guest Editorial--Bill Clinton

In this post black Friday and therefore post 9/11 world with two days to go until the Iowa caucuses, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll out Tuesday shows both the Democratic and Republican presidential nomination races tied at the top creating a sweet almost organic perfect storm, setting the stage for an unremarkable second tier candidate such as John Edward who is the new Walter Mondale (back in the day Mondale was astonishingly unremarkable and today could host webinars on the topic) to surge to the forefront and decimate the field with an emotional finely crafted message authored by an up and coming political wordsmith that knows how to add some pop to a seemingly random campaign about "giving back" to the poor which to this point point has been slightly less pleasant to view than waterboarding, all this could toss prior front runners under the bus, but then that's politics, and, it is what it is.
If you have time this holiday season, we here at the Institute suggest you check out the Internets. It's something. You can find information on things like what your city council is doing, or exchange food cooking recipes with other people interested in food cooking recipe exchange.
What happens when the “politics of pile-on” replaces the “politics of hope?”
Industrial beer is still the vast majority of the American market, and it’s not going away tomorrow, but there is no future in it. While industrial beers suffer flat or declining sales, craft brewers are experiencing double-digit growth. The big brewers now try to copy craft beers. European brewers, who once laughed at watery American beer, now look to the United States for inspiration.
As many of you know I am a teacher. Over the years I have not blogged about it much, because well, who want to read shop talk.
Pile In Aught Ocho Town Hall Meeting Number 1
I dunno about this. The British have been warning us about bloody hell for years.
In an unprecedented display of inter-faith unity, Islamic scholars publicly demonstrate the general validity of the Pope’s recent remarks on jihad and the spread of Islam.
You never know when the chance to be a hero might be thrust in your general direction. You just don’t. I keep my eyes open for my shot though. Call it a love of country thing. These days the best opportunity to prove your hero bona fides seems to be while flying. I don’t fly too often but I fly as often as the next guy who doesn’t often fly. When I do fly, I often keep a patriotic eye open. I give the flight attendants that cooperative look of mutual understanding, as if to say, “when you need me, I've got your back..., just give me the signal and I will go all citizen air marshal on some Islamonazi sympathizer with a bladder full of protest pee”.
This important post consists of an important open letter from Pile, the chairman of The Ebb & Flow Institute.
As I predicted in a post on Friday, another Islamic cleric has issued a fatwa against Hezbollah, this time a shia cleric in Iran. Ayatollah Noamir Syed al-Chomkin Shirazi is a professor of Islamic linguistic studies at the Tehran Institute of Technology (TIT). Below are key portions of his illuminating 180 page fatwa.
It appears that Amongst the most important replies that I have given, is my reply concerning the actions of Hezbollah, the natural general principle that will subsume this case where one censures the importance of studying the branches [furu'] of jurisprudence, and we seek refuge in Allah from the deviation of such a corpus of utterance tokens upon which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test.
I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that if the position of the group Hezbollah were only relatively inaccessible to funding from the mullahs of Iran, this selectionally introduced contextual feature renders the entire region subject to the hegemony of Iranian rule. In this reply nevertheless, I make mention analogously,that the scholars of the methodological bases of Islamic jurisprudence (usuli’un) and the Imams of jurisprudence themselves have said about such a matter.
As for my labeling this action as Iranian Imperialism, it is only because they have desired to impose upon common people the precious rank of absolute independent reasoning [ijtihad], the requirement that branching is not tolerated within the dominance scope of Iranian military influence....
Hezbollah: Violence mixed with social mission.