Three Cheers For Texas
Pile On, and the community of Houston, have graciously opened their arms to the victims of Katrina.
Big state. Big Heart. Big people. That's Texas.
What can we do, Teach?
Pile On, and the community of Houston, have graciously opened their arms to the victims of Katrina.
Hello Institute website readers, my name is Claire, and I work at The Ebb & Flow Institute.
It is my opinion that food that is delicious is preferable in all ways to food that is not delicious. By preferable, I mean the food has a higher kickass to pie hole ratio. This is often expressed ka/ph.
Listening to the radio on my way back from the beach, I concluded that there is an awful lot of BS in this world. And if you turn on your cable TV on Saturday morning, you'll see there must be a thousand ways to make money off some gullible fool.
I enjoyed the link provided by Jehane where Star Wars was translated into Chinese and then back into English again. So, for your viewing pleasure, I have translated the previous post into Chinese, and then back into something resembling English. Enjoy.
A few assorted snapshots from Pile's first week and a half as a public school chemistry instructor.
We hate to assault you with such life-shaking, faith-challenging news so early in the morning, but sometimes we have to put our emotions aside and focus on our responsibility to the truth. And so we urgently announce that the man formerly known as Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Puffy and P. Diddy has made it official: From this moment onward, he will now be known as simply “Diddy.”
Say it slowly. Leave the “p” behind. Look towards the future. Let it roll off your tongue: Diddy.
Why the change? “I needed to simplify things,” said the hip-hop mogul. Diddy also plans to “go more rock ‘n’ roll” with his look, and says he’s inspired by Mick Jagger and David Bowie. Keep an eye out for the Diddy Stardust press conference, which should hit in about 3 months.
Update 8:32 He’s actually on the Today Show right now, making a live announcement of this change. “I felt the ‘p’ was coming between me and my fans,” says Diddy.
"One word. Five letters. Period," says the hip-hop heavyweight, who swears he isn't taking the P. out of his name to yank our chain - or as a publicity stunt.
Apart from the frustration of constantly having to tell people what to call him, Diddy says he worried that the name P. Diddy could be bad for business.
"I went to a concert in Madison Square Garden last year and the crowd started to chant my name," he says dryly.
The abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren in western Belgium is home to some 30 Cistercian and Trappist monks who lead a life of seclusion, prayer, manual labor -- and beer-brewing.
A survey of thousands of beer enthusiasts from 65 countries on the RateBeer Web site ( in June rated the Westvleteren 12 beer as the world's best.But the abbey only has a limited brewing capacity, and was not able to cope with the beer's sudden popularity. "Our shop is closed because all our beer has been sold out," said a message on the abbey's answering machine, which it calls the "beer phone."
And the abbey has no intention of boosting its capacity to satisfy market demand.
"We are not brewers, we are monks. We brew beer to be able to afford being monks," the father abbot said on the abbey's Web site.
I realized Pile On had not become a monk when I read this comment:
Monk Mark Bode told De Morgen daily: "Outsiders don't understand why we are not raising production. But for us life in the abbey comes first, not the brewery."If Pile On had been there, you see, it would have been about the beer.
After five days of mind-numbingly boring orientation, a Superintendent led convocation that shocked the hell out of me (in a good way) ; the details of which I have no intention of sharing in a public forum, and several 12-14 hour days of preparation Pile has had his first day of teaching 6 courses of Chemistry.
Yet abduction narratives often have another, less explicit, dimension that Dr. Clancy suspects may be central to their power. Consider this comment, from a study participant whom Dr. Clancy calls Jan, a middle-age divorcée engaged in a quest for personal understanding: "You know, they do walk among us on earth. They have to transform first into a physical body, which is very painful for them. But they do it out of love. They are here to tell us that we're all interconnected in some way. Everything is."
At a basic level, Dr. Clancy concludes, alien abduction stories give people meaning, a way to comprehend the many odd and dispiriting things that buffet any life, as well as a deep sense that they are not alone in the universe. In this sense, abduction memories are like transcendent religious visions, scary and yet somehow comforting and, at some personal psychological level, true.
First things first.
I have returned to the Institute unharmed, so if you were worried sick about my continued well being, let me put you at ease. Thanks to the good folks at Delta I returned home very late last night, but I did receive a job offer as I sat and waited in the Salt Lake City airport. I started that job early this morning, so I am a bit fried, but I will post again when able.
I may not know much about great Art, but I know what I like...
Four restaurants had applied for permission to have dancers perform. They wanted to host hula dancing, flamenco dancing, belly dancing.
The planning staff recommended OKing the requests, but then came the point of contention, the point that set the dancer’s bells jingling:
The city tried to define “cultural dancing,” breaking it down into an itemized list. This, many dancers said, was harmful and disrespectful and would affect belly dancers most of all.
“We have to work hard to gain the respect of other dance styles,” said Connie Picard. “We’re taken for granted because everybody thinks we’re strippers.”
“There is some confusion today as to what the meaning of breast is,” he offered. “The code is rather specific.”
On tipping, the dancers spoke of how money is traditionally thrown at the dancers, who touch neither it nor the patrons. The commission was OK with that.
Others spoke of various belly dancing forms, which often require the dancer to place [various unspecified] body parts besides the feet on the floor.
“We’ve been doing this forever, some longer than others, [Good God] and we know what we’re doing,” said dance teacher Sonia Monson.
Zoby again tried to reassure them. “The movements of belly dancing that are the true, cultural movements of the belly dancer would be OK.”
“If there’s no complaint, the city never hears about it,” added Melita. [thereby answering the age-old question, "If there is a lap-dance and no one ever files a complaint, has a cultural event occurred?"] “If there is, there are some standards here so that when someone does complain, we know what’s permissible and what’s not.”
“We definitely respect your freedom to express yourselves in our city,” said Boose-Jackson. “Norfolk has a serious past where there were all kinds of X-rated clubs. We don’t want anything to slip under the radar.”
Which of the following best describes the Hairy Ball Theorm?
Talks over the phone between Orioles VP of baseball operations Jim Beattie and Marlins GM Larry Beinfest about acquiring Florida pitcher A.J. Burnett took a dramatic turn late last night when the pair found themselves engaged in phone sex.
“I was getting tired and told him I wanted to get out of my work clothes and put on something more comfortable,” said Beattie. “He asked me what I was wearing. I told him Dockers and a polo shirt and it turned out he was wearing the same thing. And before I knew it, my pants were down around my ankles and I was muttering: ‘Oh, yeah. You want me to pick up 100 percent of Mike Lowell’s contract, don’t you? Come on, you know you want it. Tell me you need another prospect to make this deal happen. That’s right, make me work for it.’”
Beattie said he doesn’t think the incident says anything about the sexual preference of either executive.
All is good once again in Boston this morning as Ramirez stayed put, hit a 400 bouncer single to win the game, unleashed "Manny being Manny" in an interview with a grin, and received adulation from the Red Sox fans in his pinch hit appearance. His team-killing craziness of the earlier part of the week is apparently forgotten. For now.