Pile Is The Man
Pile is the man. This guy told me so.
And you can't make me. So I'm not going to.
The reality is that the Bush administration's choices have made Iraq into what it wasn't before the war - a breeding ground for jihadists. Today there are 16,000 to 20,000 jihadists and the number is growing. The administration has put itself - and, tragically, our troops, who pay the price every day - in a box of its own making. Getting out of this box won't be easy, but we owe it to our soldiers to make our best effort.
The Pew Research Center has released a study that shows Americans are more critical of the mainstream media than ever.
Perhaps the country would be better off with a Democrat President.
Eric at Vince Aut Morire is going on vacation for a week and has invited me (among others) to cross-post at his site while he is away.
The 25-foot-tall, 17 1/2-ton treat of frozen Snapple juice melted faster than expected Tuesday, flooding Union Square in downtown Manhattan with kiwi-strawberry-flavored fluid that sent pedestrians scurrying for higher ground.Thank Goddess for the NYFD.
Firefighters closed off several streets and used hoses to wash away the sugary goo.The event was unsettling.
"What was unsettling was that the fluid just kept coming," Stuart Claxton of the Guinness Book of World Records told the Daily News. "It was quite a lot of fluid. On a hot day like this, you have to move fast."They should have used pudding.
This morning I woke my wife up by singing Funky Town.
Today was a long day. I can't speak for anybody else, but today seemed like the longest day in I don't know how long. At least a year.
As many of you know, we have added the study of Grassroots Movements for Change into our already heavy workload at the Institute. One thing we have noticed is that most of these movements by their very nature lack mass popular appeal. One alrt spd rdr noted in a comment here that there may be a segment of our population that would be served by a Grassroots Movement for Change. In his words......
Perhaps it's because it was Fathers Day weekend, but I am surprised there are not more entries in the Big Dick Durban Torture Contest. I have extended the deadline to give more of you a chance to win the fabulous first prize of 100 yards of Gulag Grade Razor Wire.
The word on the street is that good friend of the Institute, Dan Riehl of Riehl World View will be on Fox News Channel's The Big Story Weekend, Saturday night at 9 pm ET. They will be covering the Natalee Holloway story and Dan has been on that like flies on stink.
Beth has more details on the burping incident here.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
Attorney comes back from the grave to grant interview with topless reporter. Bills Fox News one hour for legal communication.
It has come to my attention that The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (VLWC) has infiltrated The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC) and leaked information allegedly obtained from an anonymous source, (always to be trusted) to a member of the media. This member of the media then used the information, salacious as it was, to sell a book.
In honor of the upcoming Juneteenth celebration, The Ebb & Flow Institute replays an important historic event.
The Condoleezza Rice Senate Confirmation Hearings.
I was hoping BlogBot® would have posted something else by now, but it appears there are still a few bugs that need to be worked out of the software.
My Friday Vespers post was picked up by a site called blogrunner that tracks blog references to the New York Times.
As many of you know, self-improvement is something of a hobby of mine. To this end, I have decided to improve my writing skills in the next year. Like many a fine writer before me, I want to grab the bull by the horns, regroup, circle the wagons, get under the hood and add tons of fresh phrases to my prose. It is my humble opinion that, when all is said and done, at the end of the day, the bottom line is, where the rubber meets the road so to speak, this will make my blog much more user friendly.
Now that the crucial blog ratings period is over you can look for some summer repeats here at EFI. For several reasons I am lacking in the time and creativity necessary to maintain my high standards of post quality and quantity. I had considered implementing the new technology of PostBot®, but it looks like I might want to wait until the manufacturers get the bugs out first.
From this day forward, any mention of the word "meme" in any context will be met with........
I don't like the word meme. Meme has been memeing like a memescratcher through the memesphere. Soon all of our memeblogs will be memified, leaving them memedentical.
As anyone knows who blogged in this circle last September, Pile On is a Houston Astros fan. One well known former Astro, Ken Caminiti is an admitted steroid user. The Astros of today, however, are to be commended for not letting that stigma follow the team any longer.
“We’ve decided that we’re going to put restoring the credibility of the game ahead of winning and scoring runs,” said Astros outfielder Lance Berkman, who is hitting .216. “I think that if fans still think that players are using steroids, all they have to do is look at our offense and they’ll see there’s no way any of us could be cheating.”
I hate it when people say "how come". Is there some problem with the word "why"? How come. Think about how stupid that really is. How come? Well, if you are across the room I might come by walking. If you are across town I might come by driving.
Hey, I did a WTW post (above) and didn't even know it. This stuff is getting to be like second nature (it is Wednesday right?).