EFI Evening News With Your Host Pile On®
New Surgical Procedure To Treat Migraines

Patients undergoing the plastic surgery technique, which involves cutting muscle in the forehead, reported that their migraine headaches disappeared, writes researcher Bahman Guyuron, MD, professor of plastic surgery with Case Western Reserve University and the American Migraine Center.
Company makes apparel out of fur from pets
VIP Fibers of Morgan Hills CA offers custom hand spinning of dog hair into dog yarn and dog yarn keepsakes.
Like so many other pet owners, I couldn't bear to throw away the tuffs of fluff removed from my Chows brush after grooming. It was so soft, so light and the color was unsurpassed by any other natural fiber I had ever seen.
I think I have enough natural fiber in my Oreck for a nice stole.
Congressman Jim McDermott fined $60,000
Jim McDermott who represents a primarily Baathist district in Washington state faces a congressional investigation for ethics violations.
The House ethics committee has decided to investigate whether Representative Jim McDermott, Democrat of Washington, broke House rules in 1997 when he provided two news organizations a tape recording of an illegally intercepted phone conversation among Republicans.
The matter dates from an ethics case against Newt Gingrich, Republican of Georgia, who was then speaker of the House. In the phone conversation, in December 1996, Mr. Gingrich discussed with Mr. Boehner and other allies a strategy for dealing with the complaints against him. The conversation was recorded by a Florida couple, who gave the tape of it to Mr. McDermott, then the senior Democrat on the ethics panel.
What the above linked NY Times article leaves out is McDermott was fined $60,000 and ordered to pay court costs which could approach $600,000. U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan stated that McDermott’s “willful and knowing misconduct rises to the level of malice.”
Asshats, and the asshats who love them.
Mahmoud Abbas sucks up to Terrorists
JENIN REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank (AP) - A prominent West Bank gunman carried a smiling Mahmoud Abbas on his shoulders Thursday, endorsing the presidential candidate and prompting questions of whether Abbas is playing campaign politics or identifying with violent groups.
The murderous terrorist thug is dead, long live the murderous terrorist thug.
Lieberman: Iraq Election Must Go Forward
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Joe Lieberman, traveling in the Middle East Wednesday, said there is strong support in Iraq for the Jan. 30 election, and postponing it would only be a victory for the insurgents.
Precisely Senator, that is why people in some quarters are calling for the elections to be postponed.
Hot Dog Hookers
Long Island cops have busted two women who were selling hot dogs — and themselves — from a food truck parked along a busy stretch of Sunrise Highway, authorities said.
According to police, Scalia and Skorge started parking in Baldwin about four months ago and sold hot dogs, chips and sodas to dozens of unsuspecting customers from the front of the truck — and sex in the back.
When they spotted a potential consumer for their other business, they would first offer to strip, and then, if the man appeared to be craving something more, take it to the next level, according to cops.
"We've never seen hot dogs mixed with prostitution before," Deputy Inspector Rick Capece said. "There are so many jokes, so little time."
And now for the money quote of the day.......
And they weren't even tidy about their legitimate business — open bags of chips were scattered around. "It's certainly not the most sanitary hot dog truck I've ever seen,"